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  • A man in a hat standing in tall grass with a forest behind him holds up a sample of a pine tree

    Episode 3: Steward of the Piedmont | Ken Bridle

    In this episode, we hear from Dr. Ken Bridle, who’s been a professional botanist for over four decades, and who has focused on plant physiology. His expansive career includes working as a natural heritage and watershed inventory biologist, a field ecologist, science museum exhibits director, and environmental consultant. He talks about how he came to be a naturalist and scientist, and his involvement with protecting the precious natural resources of the Piedmont region of North Carolina and beyond.

  • A woman and a dog stand on a large rock in a river

    Episode 2: Keeping the River | Emily Sutton

    In this episode, we hear from Emily Sutton, Haw Riverkeeper and the new Executive Director for the Haw River Assembly, a citizen-fueled nonprofit located in Chatham County, North Carolina. We learn what it means to be a riverkeeper, environmental nonprofit leader, nature educator, and advocate for protecting our watersheds and natural resources.

  • A smiling woman holds a wheelbarrow in a lush garden.

    Episode 1: Nurturing Communities | Nadja Cech

    In this episode, we talk with Dr. Nadja Cech, who is a Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at the University of North Carolina Greensboro, and a leader in the field of medicinal plant research. In addition to being a scientist, she’s a writer, mother, teacher, mentor, community builder, and manager of an urban community garden. We talk about all of these things, and the power of connection, wonder, and inspiration that a community can bring to an urban setting.